Multi-legged bugs are the best
This spake the master programmer: "Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." While you ponder this thought have a look at some MPI debugging examples in the second part of our MPI debugging column.
The Story So Far
In the last installment of MPI Monkey we started discussing the cold, hard reality of high performance computing: debugging in parallel. Like Weird Uncle Joe, no one wants to talk about it (every family has a Weird Uncle Joe). All the same kinds of nasty bugs that can happen in serial applications can also happen in parallel environments - magnified many times because they can happen in any process in a parallel job. Even worse, bugs can be the result of complex interaction between processes and possibly occur in separate processes simultaneously. Simply put: parallel bugs typically span multiple processes. The analysis of a single core file or subroutine may not yield the root causes behind a bug.
But to repeat myself from last month: fear not. For every bug, there is a reason. For every reason, there is a bug fix. Using the right tools, you can spin a web to catch bugs.
Last month we briefly discussed four parallel debugging techniques:
- printf-style output debugging
- launching serial debuggers in parallel
- attaching serial debuggers to individual parallel processes
- using parallel debuggers
The last one - parallel debuggers - extend the traditional serial debugger concept by encompassing all the processes in a parallel job under a single debugging session. A variety of commercial parallel debuggers are available. This column is not an advertisement, so I won't be displaying screen shots or reviewing the functionality of these products - you can visit their web sites and see the material for yourself. But suffice it to say: I strongly recommend the use of a parallel debugger (See the Resources Sidebar).
That being said, most of us don't have access to parallel debuggers, so this month we'll concentrate more on the common-man approach to parallel debugging.
Debugging A Classic MPI Mistake
As mentioned several times previously in this column, the following is a fairly common MPI programming mistake when exchanging messages between a pair of processes:
1 MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size); 2 MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); 3 if (2 == size) { 4 peer = 1 - rank; 5 MPI_Send(sbuf, ..., peer, comm); 6 MPI_Recv(rbuf, ..., peer, comm, &status); 7 } |
An MPI implementation may perform the send on line 5 "in the background," but is also allowed to block. Many MPI implementations will implicitly buffer messages up to a certain size before blocking; if the message sent on line 5 is less than N bytes, the send will return more-or-less immediately (regardless of whether the message has actually transferred to the receiver or not). But once the message is larger than N bytes, the implementation may block in a rendezvous protocol while waiting for the target to post a matching receive. In this case, the code above will deadlock.
The solution is simple: have one process execute a send followed by a receive; have the other execute a receive followed by a send. But the problem is still the same: this error may be buried in many thousands (or millions) of lines of code. Assuming that the messages are large enough to force the MPI implementation to block, how would one find this problem in the first place?
Depending on the logic of the overall application, a binary search with printf-style debugging can probably [eventually] locate the bug in some finite amount of time. In the final iterations of the search, inserting printf statements before and after the MPI_SEND would likely positively identify the problem (i.e., the first printf message would be displayed, but the second would not).
The same result, however, can be obtained in far less time by using a debugger. printf-style debugging, by definition, is trial-and-error - think of it as searching for the location of the bug, as compared to a debugger which (at least in this case) can directly query "where is the bug?"
Launching a serial debugger in parallel, for example:
$ mpirun -np 2 xterm -e gdb my_mpi_application |
will launch 2 xterms, each running a GNU debugger (gdb) with your MPI application loaded. In this case, you can run the application in both gdb instances and when it deadlocks, hit control-C. The debugger will show that both processes are stuck in the MPI_SEND on line 5. There is no guesswork involved.
Note that this example assumes that your MPI implementation allows X applications to be run in parallel. This task is easy if you are running on a single node (in which case X authentication is usually automagically handled), or, if running on multiple nodes, either X authentication is either disabled or setup such that X credentials are passed properly. Consult your MPI implementations documentation for more details - not all MPI implementations support this feature.
A slightly simpler, albeit more manual, method is to mpirun the MPI application as normal. When it deadlocks, login to one or more nodes where the application is running and attach a debugger to the live process. This example assumes Linux ps command line syntax:
$ mpirun -np 2 my_mpi_app & $ ssh node17 ps -C my_mpi_app PID TTY TIME CMD 1234 ? 00:00:12 my_mpi_app |
You'll need to use the "attach" feature of your debugger. With gdb:
$ ssh node17 Welcome to node17. $ gdb -pid 1234 |
This action will attach the debugger to that process and interrupt it. You can list where the program counter is, view variables, etc. As with the case above, it will immediately identify that the application is stuck in the MPI_SEND on line 5.
I'll begin by saying that you should not use printf as a debugging tool. However, I know that most everyone will ignore me, so you might as well be aware of some potential "gotchas" that occur with printf when running in parallel. Remember that the node where your printf was issued may not be the same node as where mpirun is executing (or whatever mechanism is used to launch your MPI application). This condition means that the standard output generated from printf will need to be transported back to mpirun, possibly across a network. This process has three important side-effects:
The last item is the most important: many a programmer have been tricked into thinking that sections of code did not execute because they did not see the output from an embedded printf. Little did they realize that the code (and the printf) did execute, but the output of printf was buffered and not displayed. Although most MPI implementations make a "best effort" to display it, remember that the behavior of standard output and standard error is not defined by MPI. Some implementations handle it better than others. If you are going to use printf debugging, it is safest to follow all printf statements with explicit fflush(stdout) statements. While this statement does not absolutely guarantee that your message will appear, it usually causes most MPI implementations and run-time systems to force the message to be displayed. |
Serialized Debugging
It is somewhat of an epiphany to realize that once applied in parallel, debuggers can be just as powerful - if not more so - than when used in serial. Consider other common MPI mistakes: mis-matching the tag or communicator between a send and receive, freeing or otherwise modifying buffers used in non-blocking communications before they have been completed with MPI_TEST or MPI_WAIT (or their variants), receiving unexpected messages with MPI_ANY_SOURCE or MPI_ANY_TAG, and so on. All of these can be caught with a debugger.
Debuggers can be used to effectively serialize a parallel application in order to help find bugs. By stepping through individual processes in the parallel job, a developer can literally watch a message being sent from one process and received in another. If the transfer does not occur as expected, the debugger provides the flexibility to look around to figure out why (e.g., the tags did not match). And even if the message does transfer properly, buffers can be examined to ensure that the received contents match what were expected.
Memory-Checking Debuggers
This type of "serialized debugging" is useful to catch flaws in logic and other kinds of [relatively] obvious errors in the application. Ensnaring more subtle bugs such as race conditions or memory problems can be trickier. Indeed, the timing and resource perturbations introduced by running through a debugger can sometimes make bugs mysteriously disappear - applications that consistently fail under normal running conditions magically seem to run perfectly when run under a debugger.
The first step in troubleshooting such devious bugs is to run your application through a memory-checking debugger such as Valgrind. Consider the code in Listing One. Despite the several obvious problems with this code, it may actually run to completion without crashing (writing beyond the end of the j array is probably still within the allocated page on the heap and will likely not cause a segmentation violation).
Now consider that if code as obviously incorrect as Listing One can run seemingly without error, imagine applications that are much larger and more complex than this trivial example - there are bound to be errors similar to the ones shown in Listing One hidden within thousands (or millions) of lines of code.
Memory-checking debuggers are excellent tools in both parallel and serial applications. Compile and run Listing 2 through Valgrind:
1 #include <stdlib.h> 2 #include <stdio.h> 3 #include <mpi.h> 4 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 5 int rank, size, i, *j; 6 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); 7 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); 8 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); 9 j = malloc(sizeof(int)); 10 MPI_Send(&i, 2, MPI_INT, (rank+1) % size, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 11 MPI_Recv(j, 2, MPI_INT, (rank+size-1) % size, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); 12 MPI_Finalize(); 13 free(j); 14 free(j); 15 return 0; 16 } |
$ gcc example.c -g -o example $ valgrind -tool=memcheck -logfile=valoutput example |
Valgrind will show several distinct errors (one output per MPI process, named[pid]:
- Use of uninitialized variable on line 10.
- Illegal read on line 10.
- Illegal write on line 11, 4 bytes beyond the array allocated on line 9.
- Duplicate free on line 14.