Hits: 5682
By Marc Snir, Steve Otto, Steven Huss-Lederman, David Walker, and Jack Dongarra. This volume, the definitive reference manual for the latest version of MPI-1 includes examples. ISBN 0-262-69215-5
Hits: 2228
A book by Victor Eijkhout. This is a textbook that teaches the bridging topics between numerical analysis, parallel computing, code performance, large scale applications. PDF version if free!
Hits: 2549
A short introduction to HPC, but not for dummies either! The ebook is available for free after registration. Get the essentials.
Hits: 4754
A freely available book on building/designing Beowulf style clusters.
Hits: 2504
A very good overview of cluster computing methods and hardware. The book provides a rather wide coverage of options, but does not dive too deep into any one approach. It is somewhat HP focused as author works for HP. (648 Pages) ISBN: 0-13-144853-6
Hits: 2984
Focuses on the enterprise cluster (not HPC) and covers failover, heartbeat, load balancing, reliable printing/web server, and how to build a job scheduling system. Good coverage and examples. (464 pages) ISBN: 0-13-144853-6
Hits: 3011
The first book on Beowulf cluster computing. Published in 1999, it is now quite dated. Both hardware and software have moved past the text. It does provide good coverage of the issues facing the cluster builder. (261 pages) ISBN 0-262-69218-X
Hits: 5294
by William Gropp, Steven Huss-Lederman, Andrew Lumsdaine, Ewing Lusk, Bill Nitzberg, William Saphir and Marc Snir, This volume presents a complete specification of the MPI-2 Standard with examples. MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-57123-4
Hits: 5225
Updated edition, now edited by William Gropp, Ewing Lusk (in addition to Sterling). Provides a good, but high level view of Linux clustering. This edition includes ROCKS and OSCAR coverage plus other important issues. (504 pages) ISBN 0-262-69292-9
Hits: 5610
The next book after "How to Build a Beowulf" by Tom Sterling. Coverage is much expanded, but now very high level as chapters are written by key players in the cluster community. (536 pages) ISBN 0-262-69274-0
Hits: 5443
Approximately 75% of the material in the same as the Linux book by Sterling (no file system coverage). If you need Windows clusters, start here, but using Linux is much easier and more flexible. (488 pages) ISBN 0-262-69275-9
Hits: 2357
A good (and very technical) book about the advantages of cluster archtectures. Also provides a very detailed analysis of programming modesl (608 pages) ISBN 0138997098 This book is seems to be out of print.
Hits: 5619
O'Reilly's second attempt at a Linux cluster book. Many feel this second attempt has missed the mark (again). (367 pages) ISBN: 0-596-00570-9
Hits: 2636
Somewhat dated and non-standard approach (no real MPI or HPC coverage). Examples use four node cluster with 10BT Ethernet connected with a small hub. (264 pages) ISBN 0-672-32368-0 Seems to be out or print.
Hits: 5044
Short meandering book about clustering. Misses the mark and in some places is just plain wrong. Seems to be out of print. (228 pages) ISBN 1578702747
Hits: 5039
By William Gropp, Ewing Lusk and Rajeev Thakur, MPI-2 explained with examples. MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-57133-1
Hits: 5234
By William Gropp, Ewing Lusk and Anthony Skjellum, MPI explained with examples. MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-57132-3
Hits: 5700
by Peter Pacheco Learn how to program parallel computers with MPI. ISBN: 1-55860-339-5
Hits: 2340
By Al Geist, Adam Beguelin, Jack Dongarra, Weicheng Jiang, Robert Manchek, Vaidy Sunderam. Covers the PVM library with examples. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-57108-0
Hits: 142
freely available Recently updated book on parallel computing methods and trade-offs. Focuses on multi-core systems (not much distributed/MPI coverage)