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Example Article Title
A Subtitle is nice
Author: Douglas Eadline
The Title and subtitle will be reformatted. The first heading (Introduction) or paragraph after the Author name is where the article will start.
Paragraphs are to be separated by paragraph tags. Do not use return character or tabs to space paragraphs. Here is some extra text. The swift brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Here is another paragraph. Did you know that the "The swift brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." has every letter int he the English alphabet.
Italic and Bold Placement
Use the standard tags for italic and bold . Please keep italic and bold use to a minimum.
Lists are easy. An ordered list looks like:
- Element one
- Element two
- element three
- Element one
- Element two
- element three
Tables must use standard HTML table markup. For example:
Heading 1, row one |
Heading 2, row one |
column 1, row one |
column 2, row one |
column 1, row two |
column 2, row two |
Source Code
Source code should be surrounded by preformatted text tags.
Use tags to refer to code elements (e.g. MPI_Init) in the text.
1 #include
2 #include
4 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
5 int rank, size;
7 MPI_Init(&argv, &argv);
8 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
9 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
10 printf("Hello, world. I am %d of %d.\n", rank, size);
11 MPI_Finalize();
12 return 0;
13 }
You can reference the side bare by putting in a See Sidebar One tag.
All external links can be put in place. Links to other ClusterMonkey pages need to use the full ClusterMonkey URL. For example:
You can contact the Head Monkey by clicking here.
If the number of equations is small, equations are best handled by creating images and including them in the text. You can create equations in HTML by using tools such as this one.
All image files should submitted with the HTML document. Image tags should indicate where the image should be placed in the text. Use only ALT and SRC attributes. For example:
If you use this page as a template, you will reduce the work for the rest of the monkeys that are managing this site.