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From the best acronym of the day (BAD) department

The Adept project is bringing some metrics and tools to help optimize energy-efficient use of parallel technologies. According the web site, "Adept builds on the expertise of software developers from high-performance computing (HPC) to exploit parallelism for performance, and on the expertise of Embedded systems engineers in managing energy usage. Adept is developing a tool that can guide software developers and help them to model and predict the power consumption and performance of parallel software and hardware."

Recently, Adapt released a benchmarks suite to help understand and measure power usage for HPC and embedded systems The benchmark suite consists of a wide range of benchmarks including both high-performance embedded and high-performance technical computing. The benchmarks are designed to characterize the efficiency (both in terms of performance and energy) of computer systems, from the hardware and system software stack to the compilers and programming models. More information about the benchmark suite can found on the EPCC Blog Page

Hopefully the ClusterMonkey crew will carve out some time to play with these tools and report back on their experiences.