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It's all about the Process

There are two predominant software approaches for to Linux clustering. The first is the "Classic Beowulf" where each system has a copy of a complete operating system (more or less). In this approach parallel processes are started remotely on worker nodes. The second method is based on a single system image (SSI) concept where worker nodes have a minimal amount of software installed and processes are migrated from the host node. There is a big difference.

Although these methods sound the same, there is a very subtle difference between them. The difference is how processes are handled on remote nodes. Recall that on any *INX box there is a identification number associated with every process (program). This number is often called a "PID" for process identification. In a cluster of independent machines, each node is in charge of it's own PIDs or PID space. If you have a cluster of 64 nodes, each node has its own independent PID space. When a parallel program is run on the cluster, 64 independent processes are started in 64 independent PID spaces. This method can create the following scenarios for administrator and end user.

Blind Head node - The head node is total blind to the PID space of the worker nodes and has no direct OS control over these PIDs. These processes do not show up in the head node process table and thus are absent in the top display on the head node. Only those processes that part of the parallel job and running on the a node are in the nodes process table. This situation requires requires some sort of PID management for the worker nodes. PID management includes things like starting and stopping processes, collecting process data, and managing permissions. Often this management is done using a combination of tools that include a batch scheduler like Sun Grid Engine or Torque and a process monitoring tool like Ganglia.

Spawning Overhead - The other issue facing distributed PID space is the overhead that may be needed to start processes. Virtually all remote processes are started using rsh or ssh protocols. Executing a parallel program on a large amount of nodes can incur long startup delays and also push the protocols beyond their designed use. For instance, rsh was not designed to spawn 512 jobs from a single host. These issues are usually addressed by starting remote daemons on worker nodes that handle the initialization one time and then allow for fast remote process execution. This method had been employed by LAM/MPI and PVM as part of their initial design. Recently MPICH has implemented the mpd (multi-purpose daemon) that provides similar capabilities to remote execution daemons. While the daemons solve some of the problems associated with global PID management, they are often only used for life of the parallel job. Therefore, spawning the daemons must be done before spawning jobs and thus falls back on the use of rsh/ssh to remotely start jobs.

Version Skew - Including a full OS distribution on each node (meaning it has a hard disk drive) tends to introduce further administration problems. First, you can assume if there is disk space, it will get used. Indeed, considering that "standard" IDE disk drives are now approaching 100 Gigabytes and that a fat Linux install may take 5-6 Gigabytes, clusters will have a large amount of "available storage" to temp users. This extra storage can be harnessed by things like PVFS, but users and administrators will be tempted to sprinkle scratch space throughout the cluster. In addition, keeping the distribution exactly the same on each node is difficult. Having to constantly re-image (sending 5 Gigabyte OS images to every node in the cluster every time there is change or upgrade) become cumbersome. And, just hope that a user did not have anything important stored in the scratch space.

A distributed PID space cluster certainly is a valid way to build a cluster, but it does add overhead to cluster/process management. Some of these issues, particularly version skew have been resolved recently by newer methods such as Warewulf (RAM Disk Nodes) or Onesis (NFS Based Nodes).

Take my PID, please

To address, the disadvantages of a distributed PID space, several single system image (SSI) technologies have been developed. In all SSI cases, the Linux kernel requires modification to support remote processes. Or more specifically, to make a remote process look like it is executing on the head node. The most notable of these is efforts are Bproc and openMosix. Each of these has a different design motivation, but the main method is to start a process on the head node and then migrate it to another node. A process stub or proxy process remains on the head node and communicates with the remote process in real time thus allowing true process control from the head node. Therefore, the remote process is listed in the host node process table and can be treated just like any other local process. Indeed, signals can be sent and received from the process in a normal fashion and the process will show up in top.

The difference between Bproc and openMosix is how processes are migrated. With Bproc, the migration is usually "user directed" and with openMosix the processes are continuously and automatically migrated to the least loaded node. In terms of HPC, Bproc finds the most utility because applications prefer exclusive use of nodes and would consider excessive migration to degrade performance.

The Bproc mechanism is the heart of the Scyld Beowulf distribution where the entire cluster looks like a single system running on the head node. The use of Bproc also eliminates the need for a full Linux distribution image on the worker nodes. In contrast to a distributed PID space model where a Linux distribution of some form (either local or NFS) must be available on each node, the Scyld distribution only requires a kernel and shared libraries (cached in memory) on the worker nodes. While the lack of a full Linux distribution is considered a drawback for some, the Bproc approach provides the following:

PID Space and Clusters
PID Space and Clusters


Depending on users needs, there does not seem to be a clear single "best way" to implement a software environment on every cluster. (As it should be because clusters are about choice) In reality, a cluster is pile of separate machines and managing the PIDs is a difficult task no matter how it is implemented. As a summary, Figure One shows some of the differences between the two approaches.

From an administrators perspective the advantages and disadvantages are presented below. Keep in mind, that cluster software is under constant change and one persons advantage my be another's disadvantage.

Distributed PID Space In general a distributed PID space cluster requires user authentication on each node, rsh/ssh, NFS or local copy of the OS. Each compute node generally has a full distribution of Linux and can often can booted as a Linux host when removed from the cluster. The advantages of this type of design are:

The possible drawbacks of this this method are:

The disadvantages of this design can be mitigated somewhat by the use some of the distributions mentioned in the Resources sidebar. For instance, the Warewulf package provides a nice method for managing version skew on nodes by allowing all administration to be done on the head node. Even with all the tools, however, it is still possible to create situation where direct process control would be of great value.

Bproc Clusters There is no authentication required on each node and bpsh (Bproc version of sh) provides a method of starting remote jobs. There is no local copy of the OS on worker nodes, the kernel and supporting software are downloaded at boot time from the head node. The Bproc approach has the following advantages.

The possible drawbacks of the Bproc approach are:

A global PID space is definitely desirable in a cluster environment. The Bproc approach accomplishes this in a very efficient fashion that is attractive to many HPC cluster administrators. However, some administrators have found a distributed PID space model to be a very workable solution as well. No mater how you choose to mange your PID space, there is a large amount of experience from both camps. You can find much more on this topic by consulting the the various distributions in the Resource sidebar. As always, the options are plentiful so choose what works best for you and your users.

Sidebar One: Resources

Bproc (has not been updated since 2001)

The following are some popular distribution's and distribution managers, The ($) indicates a commercial product.

Distributed PID Space

Rocks Clusters (Disk-full nodes)

Oscar (Disk-full nodes)

Oscar HA (High Availability)

Clic (Disk-full nodes)

Clusterit (For workstation networks)

Warewulf (RAM Disk Nodes)

Onesis (NFS Based Nodes)

Scali Manage ($) (Disk-full nodes)

Single System Image

openMosix (Automatic process Migrations)

SSI (Open Single System Image)

Scyld/Penguin ($) (Bproc directed migration)

ClubMask (Bproc directed migration)

This article was originally published in ClusterWorld Magazine. It has been updated and formated for the web. If you want to read more about HPC clusters and Linux you may wish to visit Linux Magazine.

Douglas Eadline is the swinging Head Monkey at